Carpaccio de Carne
Meat Carpaccio
Meat Carpaccio
R$ 43,70
Rúcula, Tomate Seco, Parmesão, Azeitona e Molho Mostarda.
Arugula, Dried Tomatoes, Parmesan Cheese, Olives and Mustard Sauce
Arugula, Dried Tomatoes, Parmesan Cheese, Olives and Mustard Sauce
Mix de Folhas
Green Salad
Green Salad
R$ 37,00
Salada Caesar
Caesar Salad
Caesar Salad
R$ 47,90
Alface Americana, Filet de Frango Grelhado, Croutons, Parmesão e Molho Caesar.
American Lettuce, Grilled Chicken Filet, Croutons, Parmesan and Caesar Sauce.
American Lettuce, Grilled Chicken Filet, Croutons, Parmesan and Caesar Sauce.
Salada Mista
Mixed Salad
Mixed Salad
R$ 34,90
Alface Americana, Rúcula, Tomate Cereja, Palmito, Azeitona e Parmesão.
Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Hearts of Palm, Olives and Parmesan Cheese
Lettuce, Cherry Tomatoes, Hearts of Palm, Olives and Parmesan Cheese
Salada Santorini
Santorini Salad
Santorini Salad
R$ 37,90
Alface Americana, Parmesão, Molho do Chefe, Tomate Cereja.
Lettuce, Parmesan Cheese, The Chef Sauce, Cherry Tomatoes
Lettuce, Parmesan Cheese, The Chef Sauce, Cherry Tomatoes
Caldo Verde
Green Broth
Green Broth
R$ 35,90
Bacon, Cebola, Alho, Batata e Couve.
Bacon, Onion, Garlic, Potato and Sprouts
Bacon, Onion, Garlic, Potato and Sprouts
Canja de Frango
Chicken Broth
Chicken Broth
R$ 29,90
Frango Desfiado, Cenoura, Arroz, Alho e Cebola.
Shredded Chicken, Carrot, Rice, Garlic, and Onion
Shredded Chicken, Carrot, Rice, Garlic, and Onion
Creme de Ervilha
Peas Cream
Peas Cream
R$ 35,90
Ervilha, Cebola, Alho e Cebola.
Peas, Onion, Garlic and White Sauce
Peas, Onion, Garlic and White Sauce
Sopa de Legumes
Vegetable Soup
Vegetable Soup
R$ 31,50
Cubos de Filet, Cenoura, Batata, Brócolis, Ervilha, Alho e Cebola.
Fillet Cubes, Potato, Carrots, Brocoli, Peas, Garlic and Onion
Fillet Cubes, Potato, Carrots, Brocoli, Peas, Garlic and Onion